Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cognitive Dissonance in Marital Satisfaction Essay

Most people get married because they love their partner. They like the way they are with each other, honest, loving, understanding, fun, etc. Some are arranged marriage as they are unable to find the love of their life. However some get divorced as they are no longer compatible and they get turn off very easily. They are frustrated and bored. For those who want to continue to stay in an unhappy marriage due to many reasons such as the kids, their reputation, family, etc. as an alternative to divorce will ignore their feelings and convince themselves that the marriage is working well. They tend to adopt a cheerful attitude. They offered patience and understanding to make it appear as if the marriage was happy. Cognitive Dissonance is a feeling of discomfort caused by performing an action that is inconsistent with one’s belief (Franzoi, 2009, p.162). Basically it is a disagreement between one’s personal beliefs and one’s actions. It is the difference between how they would like to be and how they are. Cognitive dissonance is an aversive drive that causes people to (1) avoid opposing viewpoints, (2) seek reassurance after making a tough decision, and (3) change private beliefs to match public behavior when there is minimal justification for an action. Self-consistency, a sense of personal responsibility, or self-affirmation can explain dissonance reduction. (Socio-psychological tradition) (Festinger, as cited in Griffin, 2011) How can we observe â€Å"cognitive dissonance† in Marital Satisfaction? In Marital Satisfaction, we can observe cognitive dissonance in 3 different areas: Behavioural, Mental & Emotional. Behavioural Observation There will be marital stress. They wear ‘masks’ at home and they will feel exhausted as they struggle with their life. Their journey will be full with pain and grief. They pretend things are okay in their marriage when there is distance. They say nothing is wrong when their feelings are truly hurt. They don’t necessarily lie to their spouse; they just shade part of the truth. They don’t feel comfortable being their true self with their spouse because they are afraid of judgment or mockery. They will purchase self-help books, confessed their feelings to a marriage counsellor or friends that they can trust. They offer patience and understanding to the spouse to make it appear as if the marriage was happy. They will smile and put on a happy face especially in front of the children to avoid them from knowing but will let out their true feelings and cry it out at night. They will lay awake at night and try to rationalize things that they have done so that it is acceptable. Their physical health will be affected as they are facing with too much stress in their life. They too may run into problem as they seem to be lying to themselves. Even though cognitive dissonance can resolve internal anxiety, it can also reinforce future bad decisions or behaviours e.g. lying Mental Observation Their mind will be filled with thoughts of whether they are doing the right thing. They feel turned off with what they are doing. They could not be themselves and their anxiety in wanting to be themselves and do what they like to do increases. They have sleepless nights thinking the sacrifices that they have made to make others happy when they themselves are not happy.. The dissonance caused by such contradictions will also create an unpleasant mental tension, which can range from minor irritation to deep pain as long as it continues. They are unable to relax and feel comfortable until they have been able to eliminate the dissonance or at least reduce it considerably. They can use Self-justification to escape from the discomfort. This is also a major threat to marital satisfaction because both partners tend to justify their behaviour in a way that allows them to be right while either explicitly or implicitly making their partner wrong. Emotional Observation They will be unhappy or semi-happy. They are unwilling to admit their frustration, acknowledge their crumbling marriage and obtain a divorce due to their culture, religion or the children. They constantly experienced a lingering feeling of doubt about the relationship. With that, they attempt to change their opinions to coincide with the behaviour they felt was expected of them and adopted a cheerful attitude towards their marriage to convince themselves that the marriage is working well. On the other hand, this can also make them become stronger in facing any challenges in their life. If they are optimistic, they will make the best of the marriage as the decision is in their hands. They are not able to be the person that they are but who they are might not be the best person. Cognitive dissonance can also reinforce future good decisions or behaviours e.g. more understanding, patient, increase communication between spouse, etc. Conclusion Successful marriage is not about getting their partner to do what they want; it’s about being who they are. This aspect of cognitive dissonance isn’t bad; it can act as a motivation to be true to their deepest values, by making them behave in more loving and compassionate ways. It can help them change the unhealthy attitudes and behaviours. However, cognitive dissonance is most painful to people when some significant part of their beliefs about themselves is threatened. This usually occurs when they have done something that is inconsistent with their image of themselves. If a person has a fairly positive self-concept, believing herself reasonably smart, competent, and moral, she will use self-justification as a way to preserve her positive self-image.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership and Organizational Performance

Leadership and Organizational Performance Kelley, R. C. , Thornton,  B. , & Daugherty, R. (2005). Relationships between measures of leadership and school climate. Education,  126(1),  17-25. Retrieved November 5, 2007, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  901917061). This article was a research study that examined the relationship school leaders has on the school’s climate and the effectiveness of the school. The study will be extremely beneficial to the pending research because it specifically examined the effectiveness of the elementary school principal’s leadership styles and reported how their individual leadership style affected school climate. This research is pivotal because it will add additional literature to assist my understanding of leadership styles of elementary school principals. The authors argue that there exists a correlation of an effective school with strong leadership, a climate of expectation, an organized atmosphere, and efficient communication. This research was interesting and in striking contrast to other similar research topics because Kelley, Thornton,  and Daugherty’s research excluded large schools that had both a principal and an assistant principal. In excluding large schools, the study was free to isolate the leadership style of only one school administrator, which was free of the influence of the assistant principal. Lee, Y. Y. (2005). Teachers' perceptions of principals' transformational leadership and teachers' job satisfaction and school commitment. Unpublished doctorial dissertation, Fordham University, New York. Retrieved December 5, 2007, from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3178858). This unpublished doctorial dissertation examined teachers’ perception of transformational leadership behaviors in their school principal. More specifically, the study was conducted to determine if the behaviors of the school principal enhanced the levels of teachers’ motivation and commitment to school reform. Lee’s research used the theoretical construct of Bass and Avolio’s theory of transformational leadership. Similar to other literature within this paper, Lee admits that the quintessence fundamental nature of leadership is engulfed and immersed in the relationships between leaders and follows. The study also claimed that there are also others involved in leader-follow process. Lee demonstrated that there does indeed exist a correlation between transformational leadership behaviors and job satisfactions among teachers. This dissertation is of particular interest to the research I will conduct because, akin to Lee, I will be examining the leadership style of elementary school principals and the impact that leadership style has on teacher motivation. Leonard, L. J. , ; Leonard, P. E. (1999). Reculturing for collaboration and leadership. The Journal of Educational Research. 92(4), 237-42. Retrieved December 27, 2007, from EducationAbs database. Leonard and Leonard conducted research seeking to analyze the primary motivators by which three selected schools were reported as professional learning communities for teacher collaboration. Among the many keywords used in the paper, changing organizational environments was constant. Within a changing organizational environment, Leonard and Leonard implied that the school principals’ may exhibit transformational leadership. The authors further suggested that within that leadership style, six dimensions of quality exists: â€Å"articulation and sharing a vision, fostering group goals, individual support to subordinates, intellectual stimulation, appropriate behavior modeling, and high performance expectations† (p. 2). The research was conducted at three different schools, one high-school and two elementary schools. The research method was a survey questionnaire. Among the questions, teachers were asked to indicate the person whom they felt was the most influential source of change. The responses while varied among each school, the principal, as the researches expected, was the most widely identified as the person with the most influential source of change. Lucks, H. J. (2002). Transformational leadership and teacher motivation across New York City public schools. Unpublished doctorial dissertation, St. John's University, New York. Retrieved December 2, 2007, from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT 3058275). Lucks’ dissertation research defined transformational leadership from the prospective of noteworthy authors (Arolio & Base, 1988; Burns, 1978; Caldwell, 1997; Hackman & Oldman, 1997; Leithwood, 1999; Ozga & Walker, 1995; Pounder, 1996; Seabring & Bryk, 2000; Sergiovanni, 1987, 1990, 1999; and Yuki, 1998;). This literature is critical to my research topic because it captures wide views of transformational leadership and the contributions made as a result of employing this style of leadership. In contrast to similar literature research, Lucks exposed an opposing view of transactional leadership through the prospective of Avolio and Bass who argue that transactional leadership merely adds value and does not necessarily stimulate change within an organization. Lucks demonstrated there does not exist a relationship between transformational leadership style and teacher motivation. Additionally, Lucks research contained rich, noteworthy and revered literature that expressed a variety of views on relationships between leaders and followers. This research will serve to add information and clarity to my understanding of transactional leadership that will ultimately assist in strengthening the dissertation. Nir, A. E. , & Kranot, N. (2006). School principal's leadership style and teachers' self-efficacy. Planning and Changing,  37(3/4),  205-218. Retrieved November 5, 2007, from Research Library  database via FirstSearch. Document ID:  1224424331). Authors Nir and Kranot conducted research to examine two hypotheses. One, whether personal teacher efficacy varied across different principal leadership styles and two, to examine what the added value of the various principal’s leadership style for personal teacher efficacy when related job factors were statistically controlled. The researchers demonstrated an understanding and clear knowledge of teacher s elf-efficacy and supported the various assertions they made with rich literature. The hypothesis of Nir and Kranot was that there does not exist a link between teacher’s general teacher efficacy and leadership styles and that the leadership style of the transformational leader was likely to be positively correlated with personal teacher efficacy. The research highlights and emphasizes the importance and potential contribution transformational leadership style has for shaping positive job experiences for teachers but does not identify it as a major source of causing personal teacher efficacy or general teacher efficacy. Sergiovanni, T. J. (2005). Strengthening the heartbeat: Leading and learning together in schools. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Sergiovanni’s book aims to offer a fresh perspective to the importance, dynamic, and success sustaining issues of school leadership. The content of the book is organized around eight chapters which clearly demonstrate that today’s school leaders need a new understanding of leadership, how it operates, the nature of its relationship to learning and why school leaders need to practice both leadership and learning together within the schools. Sergiovanni emphasized that value-added leadership can be the catalyst for building teacher capacity, building a learning community and developing a culture of collaboration among all stakeholders involved with the school. He explored the qualities of successful school leaders and used Adlai Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, as an example of how principals can turn visions into action statements through effective school leadership. This book is important to my dissertation research because it is a premier source of information on theory and practice of successful school leadership.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Economy Situation In The USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Economy Situation In The USA - Essay Example The main problem looming around the economy of USA is that of a deteriorated trend in the economic growth rate. Noted economist Ragu Rajan revealed that it will be wiser for the national authorities to focus more upon long-term structural issues such as unemployment and income inequality. In addition, it will also be wise for the national administration to arrange for some vocational training for the national youth as well. In fact, it could easily be realized that unemployment is the reason behind a rising rate of income inequality in the nation. Observers researching this aspect have figured out certain areas which need to be emphasized upon by the national authorities while framing their respective fiscal policies.These measures have been described as follows. Firstly, it has been realized that the national population or rather the labor force is suffering from a lack of productivity which the reason why the creation of economic value in the nation has been poor. This is the reaso n why it has been stressed that the finance committee must lay some emphasis upon investing more and more funds for industrial innovation. The higher the incorporation of technology into the production process, lower will be the efforts that a labor needs to put for the production of a single unit; hence he will be left with more energy to produce excess units within the same time period. In fact, this is the method being followed up in Europe that concentrates upon a stable innovation path so as to stick to a stable economic growth.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sistine chapel as a religious art piece Term Paper

Sistine chapel as a religious art piece - Term Paper Example al events, Roman Catholics preserved many of the ancient paintings from the ancient history of Christianity and renovated them through the medieval periods till the modern era of architecture and art. Majority of the paintings found from the history of civilization process of Europe during the Renaissance period show an indisputable integration of religion and art that passed through Christianity and Jewish art and culture. This paper will make an appreciation of the Sistine Chapel at the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican City as a monumental evidence of the relationship between art and religions in the medieval Europe. The Sistine Chapel is one of the most reverent and oldest religious monumental buildings owned by the Christian community. The present day’s appearance of the chapel has travelled a long way of multiple transformation processes during the regimes of various Popes ever since its creation. The Sistine Chapel carries the glory of being a unique construction by the historical integration of Christian ideologies with the Jewish artistic skills. Located at the Papal Palace, the primary function of the Sistine Chapel is to be the venue of the Papal Conclave which conducts the elections for the pope. This monumental construction also functions as the center for Papal Chapel, the organized body of clerics and priests of the pope’s palace. This chapel works as the stage for conducting the collective masses in the palace to celebrate the reverence of the pope on distinguished occasions. The chapel has a historical tradition of observing the Sunday mass under the priesthood of the pope. However, these masses are limited to the service of the elite group of Vatican City and to the invitees from special classes of Rome. In other words, these masses are exclusively open to the special guests and are not open to the common public. Moreover, the chapel has the conservative follow up of a system that sees the closure of the religious functions on the occasion of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explain how maximum performance might beast be extracted from a small Essay

Explain how maximum performance might beast be extracted from a small engine - Essay Example Initially, two stroke engines were used to power toy cars, but now they are being used in lawn-mowers, motorcycles, and power saws. Two stroke engines are also undergoing modern innovations which are meant to convert them into better, modified engines. This paper reflects on strategies to optimize small engines’ performance. The first thing that one has to consider is that there should be no engine deposits present in the engine. Engine deposits may be there even if the engine is in its best mechanical condition. Carbon deposits may be present in the combustion chamber or in the valves of the cylinder (Totten, Westbrook & Shah 2003: 470). The fuel injectors may also be rusty. Carbon deposits and rust are the culprits that make the small engines perform less than they can when they are in new condition (see fig.1). Hence, tuning must be done, which requires much training, patience, and energy on the part of the owner (Pickerill 2009: 499). One can be sure whether or not proper tuning has been done by hearing the sound of the engine. If it is like new engine, that means tuning is proper, leading to maximized performance. Maximized performance is guaranteed when synthetic lubricants are used. Synthetic lubricants are known as saving engines because they are good friction reducers, and they â€Å"improve engine performance, durability, and prolong draining periods†, state Stachowiak and Batchelor (2011: 60). ... â€Å"Conventional engine oil begins to break down at 260 degrees F. Synthetic keeps going at 300+ degrees F. Truth is, if your engine's oil temperature is 260 to 300 degrees F, you have greater problems than which oil to choose†, writes Smart (2013, par. 4). So, synthetic lubricants are recommended to extract optimized performance from small engines. Moreover, one should make sure that there is enough compression in the engine to perform at its best, writes Senatore (1999: 51). Increased compression means more horsepower. Obviously, one cannot increase compression at home. The engine provider can best suggest how to increase compression and maintain cam selection. A specific compression ratio must be maintained (see fig.2). It is actually the comparison of the volume of the cylinder with the space left when the piston is at the top of stroke. Although the engine performs better at a high compression ratio (Buzelli 2006: 41); yet, the compression ratio should not go beyond 10. 0:1, otherwise it is likely to result in detonation or pre-ignition, which results from low octane in the engine. It is also called pinging. Fuel and spark curves must also be kept into consideration while maximizing compression. It is also important to keep a check on the throttle body of the engine, since a strong, high-performance throttle body guarantees optimized performance (Kojima 2002: 25). Much more horsepower and comparable torque can be gained through a large throttle body of the engine (Evans 2004: 44). However, that needs a check. Too large a throttle body makes the engine loose power. â€Å"Throttle bodies that are much too big for an engine lose their authority way below full throttle, because once the engine is fully loaded, it simply cannot use more

Management Accounting case study assignment Essay

Management Accounting case study assignment - Essay Example Again there are additional costs related to hangarage, that is the shelter for the airplane and many related costs. It is seen that fuel and handling charges are variable costs. And the other costs are fixed costs. The owning of the second hand plane also incurs depreciation charged. The depreciation is charged on a fixed rate method. After the calculation it is clearly visible that the owning of the plane would not be a good choice for the Clear day Co. the related expenses are much more in the case of owning than in the case of renting it. There is a big difference of  £ 83900 in case of owning and renting it. So there fore it would not be beneficial for the company to go for the buy option. Rather the company should stick with the option of renting it as the annual expenses are much lower and are hassle free as the maintenance and other charges would have to be borne by Plummet Aviation. In this situation the condition is the same of owning it but in this situation it can rent it to the local flying club, when they are not using it. It is estimated that, the local flying club would be using the airplane for a minimum of 120 hours in a year and the rent is fixed at  £105 per hour. Thus, it is estimated that the Clearday would be making a sum of  £12600 per annum. But again it is seen that if the airplane is given for rent then the maintenance cost and the insurance cost gets increased by 20% . Thus, as earlier fuel and handling charges are variable in nature and in this case maintenance and insurance are semi variable costs while other are fixed cost. The depreciation charges remain the same. It is seen that though the Clearday is getting an extra income from renting the airplane, but the expenses are too high as compared to renting the airplane from Plummet Aviation. The difference is as high as  £48080. But if in case the company compares between the option of whether renting

Friday, July 26, 2019

XBUS KJ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

XBUS KJ - Assignment Example According to Byloos (2011), the disagreement that arises between employers and employees is that most employers believe undocumented workers should not be accorded equal employment rights as U.S citizens since their being in the U.S is itself illegal and if they are protected by this law then it will be a violation of the country’s immigration laws. engaging in intentional discrimination of workers. According to the law, it is unlawful to discriminate individuals on the basis of their birthplace, ethnic group and ancestral culture. The purpose of this law is to prohibit employers from discriminating on employees since they cannot speak English or because they come from a certain country (Labor Employment Law Forum, 2012). Title VII requires that employees not be denied their employment rights since the law requires that any individual should not be discriminated in any aspect of employment. Whether an employee is a naturalized citizen of the United States or not they are supposed to be protected by Title VII against discrimination at the work place if they are legal aliens. Even though, Title VII of the civil rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of color, ethnicity, country or origin, sex, and religion, it is apparent from recent Court of Appeal rulings that undocumented workers are not protected by this law. For instance, the court of appeal seventh circuit ruled in Cortezano v. Salin Bank & Trust Co that the employer was not in violation of Title VII when he terminated an employee based on their alien status (Labor Employment Law Forum, 2012). It should be clear that undocumented workers are not protected by this law since an employer has the right to terminate an employee based on his or her alien status. It is clear that when undocumented worker are protected by Title VII, it will bring a conflict since this will mean the nation’s immigration laws will be violated. 2. Who do you think has the stronger argument - employer or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Introduction - Essay Example cess as well as to make original contribution to literature, this paper discusses what criteria a budding restaurants needs to meet in order to set its foot and expand in the highly challenging and competitive contemporary food industry. This paper uses the Porter’s Five-Forces model to examine a restaurant’s competitive environment. Taking McDonald’s as a case study, this paper discusses the threats and opportunities an expanding restaurant faces today and the advantages and disadvantages associated with its strategic moves. McDonald’s is one of the most successful fast food chains of all time. Having achieved such a phenomenal success and expansion in a matter of much less than a century, McDonald’s has a lot to offer new and budding entrepreneurs in terms of mission, vision, strategic decision making, and ways to achieve success. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for McDonald’s that can help it even improve the pace of its success and the quality of its products and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Global strategies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global strategies - Case Study Example Christopher Carson had adequate marketing knowledge and helped in enactment of policies that led to the success of the company. Another factor that contributed to the success is possession of outstanding technology for production, which resulted in processing of high quality wine brands, which became widely recognized (Bartlett Web). There were a number of reasons that led to the tension between Stephen Davies and Christopher Carson. One of the major sources of conflict was the underlying difference in opinion regarding the marketing strategies particularly on labeling as well as branding. While Davis was experienced in aspects regarding marketing Carson had ample knowledge on the market conditions and tended to disagree with Davis opinions on the appropriate branding. The main difference was on branding regarded Stamps and Nottage Hill brands. Carson wanted the brands to be re-launched in UK while Davis wanted them to focus more on improving local market and not on branding and was against repositioning of the brands. Additionally, Carson argued that labeling was a crucial factor in the UK market and Davis was against this opinion. Carson was also quite officious and felt his opinions were superior. Another source of tension was the poor communication between the two, which made them appear to be in some sort o f fight for the power (Bartlett Web). Davis and Carson have never handled their differences in an appropriate and complete manner. They still have communication issues and rarely agree on many issues. On the issue of Kelly’s revenge, Davis has never agreed with Carson’s idea and still believes that that the best option is to Launch Banrock Station in UK. Generally, each of the two feels like their opinion is the appropriate one and that the other does not respect it. This is attributable to underlying animosity regarding leadership

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

European Coal and Steel Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

European Coal and Steel Community - Essay Example There was a dire need to build what was ruined and Europe has the choice whether to pursue this as an integrated region or as individual countries. As to the integration, there were two political and economic models invented at that time - the long history of nation building wherein economic integration follows political unification and the model of Zolverrein where political unification follows economic integration (Lecture, Topic 2: From Post War Reconstruction to the European Coal and Steel Community) One of the aftermath of World War II is the European Coal and Steel Community, a moved that strengthened both the economic and political ties of the surviving European countries. "The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty was signed in Paris in 1951" ( It involved the Benelux countries of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands together with West Germany, France and Italy. Its goal was to "organize a free movement of coal and free access to sources of production" ( One of the unique aspect of the integration was the establishment of a common High Authority which supervised the market including the competition rules and price transparency. The ECSC Treaty became the "origin of the institutions as we know them today" ( The ECSC was the first community organization that was created as an aftermath of the 2nd World War. The devastation brought by the war needed economic reconstruction of the European continent and attaint lasting peace. Since coal and steel were the basic industry of the two countries France and Germany, "the idea of pooling Franco-German coal and steel production came about" ( Thus the the European Coal and Steel Community was formed. Obviously, the war has made both countries realized that a truce between them would help establish both their political and economic health. Thus the strong necessity for a truce led to the acceptance of a the necessity to submit some elements of their sovereignty to a Higher Authority. "The underlying political objective was to strengthen Franco-German solidarity, banish the spectre of war and open the way to European integration" ( The Creation of the European Coal and Steel Community The idea of an integrated coal and steel industry was first toyed by Jean Monnet, the head of the French Commissariat du Plan for the reconstruction of the French economy, and the French foreign minister, Robert Schuman. On May 1950, Monnet and Schuman "published a declaration calling for a new structure to control the resurgent heavy industries in France and Germany" (Renner). The idea that Monnet and Schuman conveyed in the declaration necessitated a new institution that "have a political life independent of the existing governments - at least for the range of powers which a capitalist state at that time exercised over its coal and steel industry" (Renner). The idea developed by Monnet and Schuman envisioned new institutions that should The Schuman Plan was not aloof of power politics, as observers at the time noted (Parker 1952). Their proposal was not a conventional international organization which are usually led by committees of ministers. According to Jean Monnet in his Mmoirs, it was the second-best indirect solution after the attempt to promote direct routes aimed to eliminate risk of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Report Card Essay Example for Free

Report Card Essay The discovery of the computer was the great function of modernity for different to make work easier, more capable, and more adaptable for the humanity. It has brought a new level of knowledge that became the new standard in the industry. It made the school more efficient for students and provided path to communicate to entire earth. Nowadays, computer base system is commonly used by every company and institution and one of this is computerized report card system. The grade of a student is a scale which determines students who need more improvement and require more assistance which will help teachers in guiding them towards their development. It also shows where students excel most so they can be honed and encouraged to continue their good work, improve more, and aim higher. At the end, it will be the reference for the judgment of whether a student can step up to a higher level of learning or remain to be polished. From these reasons, it is clearly concluded how important it is to make sure that the grades of the students are accurately calculated and safely stored in a well-founded database. It is understood that in the traditional grading system, where only calculators and papers are present, it is very difficult and time-consuming to compute grades. Errors are more likely to occur and papers are not very reliable form of database. It is very stressful to calculate grades and check them repeatedly from one record to another. With the use of the Report Card Inventory System, the teachers will only have to input the raw grades of the students and the system will be the one to do the storing of files. This Report Card Inventory System can provide the good service of accurate and secured compilation of grades to those hard-working teachers.

How the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Essay Example for Free

How the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Essay In the chapter 15 as we call Sister Flowers from How the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, allows us the readers to experience the day with Margareute Johnson through her writing style as if we were experiencing it through her eyes and deep inside her thoughts. Her use of imagery, metaphors, similes and narration helps us paint and imagine a vivid picture in our own minds. Just like when Angelou is describing Sister Flowers, â€Å"Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged . . .† Her use of a simile comparing a plum helps us imagine the details such as being smooth, soft, and shiny, just as she saw Sister Flower’s dark black skin. Her use of imagery helps us experience things she saw, the smells she smelt, as if we were right there experiencing it with her. â€Å"The sweet scent of vanilla had met us as she opened the door.† As we read this we can in our heads invent in our minds how Sister Flowers house smelled like vanilla, as she was about to step into her house. Angelou gets us thinking that Sister Flowers had probably just got done baking. â€Å"They were flat round wagers, slightly browned on the edges and butter-yellow in the center.† Angelou already gave us her sense of smell, now she is using imagery to describe her sense of sight of the cookies that Sister Flowers just baked especially for Margareute. Now she is getting our mouths watering for some of Sister Flower’s cookies. Angelou with out a doubt had a good writing style using a lot of similes, imagery, metaphors, and narration to improve our ability to acknowledge every little smell, every little detail and that she saw, just pretty much everything that was going through her head as she was living it first hand.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Male Lung Cancer Patients Social Support and Death Anxiety

Male Lung Cancer Patients Social Support and Death Anxiety Rajput Nitu Abstract One of the major challenges faced by India is the rapid growth of lung cancer and its divesting impact upon human life. The lung cancer patients suffering from severe death anxiety and also needs a lot of social support. The present investigation has been undertaken in order to study the social support and death anxiety of lung cancer patients in relation to age. Purposive sample was used to select lung cancer patients from civil hospital in the city of Ahmadabad. The total sample size was of 90 male populations, which were divided into two groups. The first group was 60 lung cancer patients, who were divided into two age groups 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years age groups. The second group was on 30 normal subjects who were also divided two age groups 31 to 41 and 41 to 50 year’s age groups. PGI social support scale and death anxiety scale were used for data collection. The t test technique was adopted for data analysis, t was found for difference between normal subject and lung ca ncer patients. The study found that there was significant difference between lung cancer patients and normal population in social support and death anxiety. It was found that there was no significant difference between 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patient age groups. Lung cancer patients suffering from more death anxiety and they receive more social support compared than normal population. Social support and death anxiety of male lung cancer patients in relation to age. Lung cancer has become one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in developed countries and is also rising at an alarming rate in developing countries. Despite the advances made in diagnosis and treatment in the last few decades, the prognosis of lung cancer is still very poor (Parsons, 2010).The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke (Merck Manual Professional Edition â€Å"lung carcinoma tumors of the lung, 2007). Lung cancer forms in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining air passages (U.S. National Cancer Institute, 2010). Projection estimates from the WHO has shown that by the year 2030, cancer will account for 12% of deaths in India (WHO, 2010). Cancer pain is not a purely physical experience but involves complex aspects of human functioning, including personality, affect, cognition, and behavior, coping and social relations. Research on psychological factors influencing cancer pain has focused on two main areas: Psychological distre ss and pain coping. Numerous Studies have examined the relationship between cancer pain and various forms of psychological distress. Social Support Social support may be viewed as a part of the coping process in living with a chronic strain such as a chronic illness like cancer (Thoits, 1986). Consequently, the chronic strain/psychological adjustment relationships is likely to be mediated by moderator variables such as social support (Katz and Vami, 1993). Social supports are commonly defined as function performed for an individual under stress by significant others such as family members, friends, or professionals (Nelles, 1991). Rose (1990) determined the dimensions and characteristics of components of support functions in 64 non hospitalized adult cancer patients. They showed distinctiveness of primary network members by their overall preference for tangible aid from family, for modeling from friends who had cancer, and for open communications and clarifications from health professionals. Family and friends were equally preferred for dealing with affective reactions to the stressfulness of cancer. Houston and Kendall (1992) e xamined this aspect by studying patients with lung cancer. They found that patients who are encouraged to and permitted to verbalize their feelings by a friend or staff who is interested in, empathetic, and non-judgmental are better able to overcome feelings of anxiety and fear, and they progress through the stages of the illness process easily. Ell (1992) examined the relationship between social relationships and social support and survival following a first diagnosis of breast, colon, or lung cancer in 294 patients. Results suggest that the emotional support provided by the primary network members was a critical factor explaining the relationship between indicators of social relationship and mortality. Rose (1993) measures the processes and outcomes of emotional support in interactions between adult cancer patients and health providers. Emotional support processes were assesses as desired support, received support, and congruence. The older patients were found to expect intimacy a s the most important, whereas the younger patients felt that being able to ventilate their feelings was the most important. In addition, the older patients received less emotional support from providers than did middle -aged patients, but younger patients were more inclined than the other 2 groups to feel that the emotional support they received was not congruent with support they desired. Aymanns (1995) studied the interrelationships between the coping behaviors of 169 cancer patients and perceived amount and adequacy of family support, as well as the role of these factors in predicting psychosocial adjustment to cancer. Survey data suggested that cognitive strategies of coping may be more effective in mobilizing family support than behavioral strategies. Klein (1994) explored the relationship of daily hassles demand of illness, and social support to the psychosocial adjustment of people with newly diagnosed, primary lung cancer. It was found that the participants report relatively high social support, low hassles, moderately low demand of illness, and positive adjustment. Death Anxiety Patients with cancer experience the approaching of death, which increases their fear of dying and the intensity of suffering. Cancer carries the threat of death and during the stage in which they may be approaching their last days; patients can experience the approach of death with increased fear of dying and fear of increasing pain intensity. Studies have attempted to explore the components of death anxiety. Adelbratt and Strang, (2000) studied death anxiety among 20 patients with brain tumors and 15 of their next of kin. Death anxiety has been analyzed with reference to various socio-demographic factors and most frequently with age. Tsai, (2004) conducted a study in 224 patients with terminal cancers admitted to the Palliative Care Unit. The severity of death fear decreased gradually in both groups after being admitted to the hospice. However, the elderly (≠¥ 65 years of age) displayed higher levels of death fear than the younger group at two days before death. A significant n egative correlation was observed between the degree of death fear and the total good death score in both groups at two days before. The relationship between death anxiety and other personal factors were examined in some of the studies. Grumman and Spiegel, (2003) conducted a study among twelve cancer patients to determine their approach towards death anxiety. The results indicated the presence of significant death anxiety among the subjects. It was also reported that they were troubled by unresolved issues and higher anxiety and pain. The majority of the subjects expressed a desire to actively discuss their impending death and more than half of the patients reported being afraid of death and high death anxiety was associated with fear of dying in pain, high peak or usual pain, unresolved issues, and difficulty in parting with family in death. Most subjects experienced their religious faith as an important source of comfort and strength.In some of the studies, death anxiety was found to be related to affective factors such as anxiety and depression Mystakidou, (2005) reported significant correlation between death anxiety depression and anxiety among terminally ill cancer patients. On the whole, the studies suggest that death anxiety is related to age, state of illness, and other affective components such as anxiety and depression, fear of being separated from significant others indicating the possible existence of an affective network related to death anxiety. Method Sample: The sample size of this study was 90 male subjects. Subjects were divided into two groups. The fist groups was experimental groups which included 60 male lung cancer patients, and the second groups was control groups which consisted of 30 normal and physically fit male. Male lung cancer patients and normal male subjects will be sub-divided into two age groups :- (1) 31 to 40 years age groups. (2) 41 to 50 years age groups. Out which 31 to 40 years 30 male lung cancer patients and 41 to 50 years 30 male lung cancer. Research Design: The general objective of present study is to find the significant difference between social support and death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal subjects. In particular, t was found difference between social support and death anxiety of normal subject and lung cancer patients. t will also be found for difference in means between the two age groups. Research Tools: P.G.I social support questionnaire (SSQ):- social support questionnaire constructed and standardized by (Dr. Ritu Nehra, Dr. Parmanand Kulhara, and Dr. Santosh K. Verma, 1998). Thakur death anxiety scale (TDAS):- Death anxiety scale constructed and standardized by(Giridhar Prasad and Manju Thakur, 1984). Both SSQ and TDAS test provide consistent, reliable and valid scores. Research Procedure: The above mentioned two scales were administered on the selected sample of lung cancer patients and normal subjects. Some personal information was also collected with bio-data sheet prepared for the same purpose. After establishing rapport with each lung cancer patients and normal persons respectively and Social Support Scale and death anxiety scale were administered in Individual setting, scoring of eachtool was done by the scoring key of each tool. After respondent completed answered the test, it was checked whether all the items were answered completely. Scoring and interpretation was done using the standard scoring key given in test manual. In particular, t was found difference between social support and death anxiety of normal subject and lung cancer patients. t will also be found for difference in means between the two age groups. After the discussion the result were summarized and concluded according to the design of research study. Result: Table no .1 The mean of social support of lung cancer patients and normal subject’s were 49.75, 37.87 and SD 7.48, 5.10. The obtained‘t’ value is 8.86 significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that lung cancer patients and normal subjects have significant difference to level of social support. The above table shows that lung cancer patients receive more social support compared than normal subjects. The mean of social support of 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients were 51.2, 48.3 and SD 7.80, 6.9. The obtained’t’ value is 1.53 no significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that 31to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients have no significant difference to level of social support. The above table shows there is a no significant difference between the mean scores of two age groups on social support. The mean of death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal subject’s were 57.92, 46.03 and SD 6.73, 10.48. The obtained‘tâ €™ value is 5.69 significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that lung cancer patients and normal subjects have significant difference to level of death anxiety. The above table shows that lung cancer patients are suffer more death anxiety compared than normal subjects and there is a significant difference between the mean scores of cancer patients and normal subjects on death anxiety. The mean of death anxiety of 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients were 59.86, 55.97 and SD 6.22, 6.67. The obtained’t’ value is 2.32 significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that 31to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients have significant difference to level of death anxiety. The above table shows there is significant difference between the mean scores of two age groups on death anxiety. Discussion: From the results obtained in the present study it is found that there is a significant difference between social support of lung cancer patients and normal person. The study clearly portrays that the cancer patients receive more social support more than normal persons. These people require someone to sit with them, listen to their expression of feeling and thoughts. Weismen and wortman (1975) found that emotional support was helpful when it came from family members and they also found that social support at the time of diagnosis was associated with less emotional distress and longer duration of life. Moreover, sharing cancer experiences with other group members has positive effects, as participating in the group helps to develop effective coping strategies and improves emotional adaptation (Spiegel, 1981). Till the twentieth century, most patients with cancer were cared for by their families. By the 1930, cancer began to receive wider attention from the medical research community and soon several national cancer society’s by professionals came into existence. In the US, training of social workers for assistance of patients with cancer provided the first professional discipline devoted to the care of the psychosocial issues of patients with cancer. It is also found that there is no significant difference between social support of 31 to 40 years and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients. There is significant difference between death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal parsons. Tolor(1989) see the relationship between subjective life expectancy, death anxiety and general anxiety patients with cancer experience the approaching of death , which the intensity of suffering cancer carries the threat of death and during the stage in which they may be approaching their last days. Age difference on death anxiety found that 31 to 40 year’s lung cancer patients significantly high death anxiety than 41 to 50 year’s lung cancer patients. Thorson and Powel, (1998) emphasized age difference in death Anxiety. Study conducted in elder and younger women diagnosed with breast cancer to know the effect of age difference on death anxiety found that younger women had significantly high death anxiety. The element of death anxiety was of principal concern to the younger women. On the whole, the studies suggest that death anxiety is related to age, state of illness, and other affective components such as anxiety and depression, fear of being separated from significant others indicating the possible existence of an affective network related to death anxiety. REFERENCES Adelbratt, S., Strang. (2000). Death anxiety in brain tumor patients and their spouse.Palliative Medicine.14(6), 499-507.Retrieved from: Aymans P, Filipp SH, Klauer T (1995), Family Support and Coping with Cancer:Some determinants and adaptive correlates. Special Issue: Psychology and Health,British fournalofSocial Psychology,34(1),107-124. Blanchard CG,Albrecht TL, Ruckdeschel J.C, et a1 (1995), The role of social support in adaptation to cancer and to survival. Special issue: Psychosocial Resources Available in Cancer Studies: Conceptual and Measurement Issues.10urnal of Psychosocial Oncology13(1-3):75-95. Bloom JR(1982), Social Support, Accommodation to Stress and Compas BE, Worsham NL, EyS,and Howell DC(1996),When Mom or Dad has Cancer:II. Coping, Cognitive Appraisals, and Psychological Distress in Children of Cancer Patients. Journal of Health Psychology,15(3:167–175. Gurowka KJ, and ES (1995), Supportive and Unsupportive Interactions as perceived by Cancer Patients. Social Work in Health Care, 21(4);71–88. Henrichs MH and Schmale AH (1993) Principles of Psvchosocial Oncology. In-Cancer:Principles and practice of Oncologv. ~ditedby De Vita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg. 4h edition, Phladelphia: J.B. Lippincott. Houston SJ and Kendall JA (1992), Psychosocial Implications of Lung Cancer.Nurses Clinics ofNorth America,27(3):681–690. Katz ER and VarniJW(1993), Social Support and Social Cognitive Problem-Solving in Children with Newlv diagnosed Cancer.CANCERSupplement, 71 (10):3314–3319. Klemm PR (1994), Variables Influencing Psychosocial Adjustment in Lung Cancer: A Prelinlinary Study.Oncology Nursing Forum,21(6):1059–1062. Mor V, Allen S, and Malin M (1994), The Psvchosocial Jmpact of Cancer on Older Vs Younger Patients and their ~amiiiesC.ancer Supplement,74(7): 2118-2126. Nelles WB, McCaffrey RJ, Blanchard CG, and Ruckdeschel JC (1991), Social Supports and Breast Cancer: A Review.oztrnal of PsychosocialOncology,9(2). Rose JH (1990), Social Support and Cancer: Adult patients desire for support from family, friends and health professionals.American Iournal ofConzmunity Psychology,18(3):439–436. Thoits PA(1986),Social support as coping assistance.]ournu1 of Consulting Clinical Psychology,54;416–423. Wortman C and Conway TL(1985),The role of social support in adaptation and recovery from physical illness. In Social Support and Health (edited by C:hen S and Syme L)(281302),Orlando,FL:Academic Press

Saturday, July 20, 2019

M.C. Escher :: essays research papers

The Dutch artist Maurits C. Escher (1898-1972) was a draftsman, book illustrator, tapestry designer, and muralist, but his primary work was as a printmaker. Born in Leeuwarden, Holland, the son of a civil engineer, Escher spent most of his childhood in Arnhem. Aspiring to be an architect, Escher enrolled in the School for Architecture and Decorative Arts in Harlem. While studying there from 1919 to 1922, his emphasis shifted from architecture to drawing and printmaking upon the encouragement of his teacher Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita. In 1924 Escher married Jetta Umiker, and the couple settled in Rome to raise a family. They resided in Italy until 1935, when growing political turmoil forced them to move first to Switzerland, then to Belgium. In 1941, with World War II under way and German troops occupying Brussels, Escher returned to Holland and settled in Baarn, where he lived and worked until shortly before his death. The main subjects of Escher's early art are Rome and the Italian countryside. While living in Italy from 1922 to 1935, he spent the spring and summer months traveling throughout the country to make drawings. Later, in his studio in Rome, Escher developed these into prints. Whether depicting the winding roads of the Italian countryside, the dense architecture of small hillside towns, or details of massive buildings in Rome, Escher often created enigmatic spatial effects by combining various -- often conflicting -- vantage points, for instance, looking up and down at the same time. He frequently made such effects more dramatic through his treatment of light, using vivid contrasts of black and white. After Escher left Italy in 1935, his interest shifted from landscape to something he described as "mental imagery," often based on theoretical premises. The lavish tile work adorning the Moorish architecture suggested new directions in the use of color and the flattened patterning of interlocking forms. Replacing the abstract patterns of Moorish tiles with recognizable figures, in the late 1930s Escher developed "the regular division of the plane." The artist also used this concept in creating his Metamorphosis prints. Starting in the 1920s, the idea of "metamorphosis" -- one shape or object turning into something completely different -- became one of Escher's favorite themes. After 1935, Escher also increasingly explored complex architectural mazes involving perspective games and the representation of impossible spaces.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Essay: Alienation and Isolation in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily :: A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner

Alienation and Isolation in A Rose for Emily  Ã‚        Ã‚   William Faulkner, one of the most famed writers of our times, explores in his writing the themes of alienation and isolation. He interweaves these themes with his female characters. In A Rose for Emily, Miss Emily Grierson is a woman who is alienated and lives in isolation from the people in her town. The theme of isolation is the focal point of the story, since it is what drove her to her madness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Faulkner's theme of alienation comes up many times in his writing. In the book The Major Years, Melvin Backman states that Faulkner was reaching for a more decent life and more decent people in the midst of evil. He was reaching for love, innocence, simplicity, and strength, but he also knew that these things were being hidden by reality. "With Faulkner, as with all men, the personal condition underlay and shaped his view of the human condition" (Backman, p.183).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The critic goes on to note that men in Faulkner's works tend to undermine women and their roles in society. Women are oppressed and are usually controlled by men. The women try to fight the men in their society and are trying to find a way to escape from their grasps. They are hesitant to stand up to the men and instead they tend to hide away. Backman notes that, "The will to confront reality seems to be losing out to the need to escape"(p.184).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Miss Emily is a woman who had the whole town wondering what she was doing, but did not allow anyone the pleasure of finding out. Once the men that she cared about in life deserted her, either by death or by simply leaving her, she hid out and did not allow anyone to get close to her. Miss Emily was indeed afraid to confront the reality that Backman discusses. Since she did not want to accept the fact that the people she cared about were gone, she hid in her house and did not go out. She was the perfect example of a woman alienated by a society controlled by men who make trouble for her instead of helping her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Minrose Gwin, author of The Feminine and Faulkner, states that several of Faulkner's female characters, including Emily Grierson, are "indeed active disruptive subjects in their narratives; theirs are voices which denounce and subvert male power"(Gwin, p.

No Clear Link Between TV Violence and Aggression Essay -- Television,

No Clear Link Between Television Violence and Aggression    There is a great deal of speculation on the role of television violence in childhood aggression.   Research demonstrates there may be other intervening variables causing aggression.   These variables include IQ, social class, parental punishment, parental aggression, hereditary, environmental, and modeling.   With all of these factors to taken into consideration it is difficult to determine a causal relationship between television violence and aggression.   It is my hypothesis this relationship is bi-directional - violent television causes aggressive behavior and aggressive people tend to watch more violent television.    Over the years there has been a large amount of research published, many with conflicting results, to the question of a causal link existing between the viewing of televised violence and childhood aggression.   It is an important question because if violent television is linked to childhood aggression we need to adapt our television shows accordingly.    Early 1960's Research    There is earlier research, but the first association between violent television and aggression was in the early 1960's when Albert Bandura began researching his modeling theory.   His series of experiments first set the precedent for a relationship between violent television viewing and aggression.   He felt children would model or imitate adult behavior.   In one study he subjected children to both aggressive and non- aggressive adult models and then tested them for imitative behavior in the presence of the model.   His theory was demonstrated when children readily imitated behavior exhibited by an adult model .. Psychology, 67, 601-607. Eron, L.D. (1963).   Relationship of television viewing habits and aggressive behavior in children.   Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 193-196. Eron, L.D. (1982).   Parent-child interaction, television, violence and aggression of children.   American Psychologist, 37, 197-211. Eron, L.D., Huesmann, L.R., Lefkowitz, M.M. & Walder, L.O. (1972).   Does television violence cause aggression?   American Psychologist, 27, 253-263. Freeman, J.L. (1984).   Effect of television violence on aggressiveness. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 227-246. Friedrich-Cofer, L. & Huston, A.C. (1986).   Television violence and aggression: The debate continues.   Psychological Bulletin, 100, 364- 371. Kaplan, R.M. & Singer, R.D. (1976).   TV violence and viewer aggression: A reexamination of the evidence. Journal of Social Issues, 32, 33-70.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Primary Sources of Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre- March, 5, 1770 Part One: Document| Author| Date| Purpose| Biases| The Legal Papers of John Adams, No. 64, Rex v Wemms| John Adams| 1755-1784| To record what he heard and saw during the trial and how he defended for the British soldiers. | Despite the fact that most eyewitnesses’ testimonies denounced Captain Thomas Pretson ordering his men to fire upon the citizens, he believed these people were biased and words aren’t 100% reliable. Anonymous account of the Boston Massacre March 5 1770| Unknown| Unknown| To briefly explain what caused the people to rise up against the soldiers and how reluctant the citizens were. | He did not feel that the patriots were any faulty of the soldiers’ fire. He felt unfairly treated and thought the soldiers pushed way too far by abusing the locals with their power. | The Account of The Boston Massacre| The Boston Gazette and Country Journal| March 12, 1770| Reporting what happened on the day of massacre on the ne wspaper for locals to read. The article described the scenario as a massacre due to the anger of some upset British troops who felt being insulted. It obviously accused Captain Preston. | The Bloody Massacre (Photo)| Paul Revere| 1770| His painting depicted what happened on the day of March 5th 1770. | He exaggerated the scenario by painting the soldiers in cruelty that aimed into the innocent helpless unarmed white men. Truth is, the main victims in the massacre were black and they were throwing snowballs at the soldiers. He wanted to make it look as angry as it could be to make the audience think it as a deliberate murder. Captain Thomas Preston’s Account of the Boston Massacre| Captain Thomas Preston| October 24, 1770| To explain about what he perceived on March 5th and to swear he never intended for anyone to get hurt nor did he order the troops to fire. | He believed the townspeople were all mad and tried to bring up a riot to prevent themselves from being punished for i nsulting the troops. Although he did think the firing was a terrible thing the troops done, he thought it could have been necessary in order to guard the King’s vessel efficiently. The Deposition of Theodore Bliss| Theodore Bliss| Unknown| To be a witness defending Captain Preston, affirming that he did not order the men to fire. | He was at the sight because of the fire alarm. What he described as may have heard or seen may not be of words in favor of any side but he could have been so busy analyzing the situation or looking for the possible fire that struck the alarm and missed out when Captain Preston gave orders. He could have been too nervous to remember everything that happened that day. | Part 2: It’s a well-known event.Everyone knows why it happened, who were involved, and where and when it happened, but does everyone know how it happened? The truth has sunk to the deepest point in the sea and remains as a mystery in history of the United States of America. Wha t really caused the townspeople’s temper to explode that lead to the Boston Massacre? Different people from different aspects varied in their description of the event. An anonymous victim of the Boston Massacre wrote about what harsh environment the citizens were living in prior the event and what happened that day.Typical high school history textbook mentions the high tax rate of all the products during the late 1700s, which has been explained as the reason why the citizens rise against the British government. However, although he did write about how the Stamp Act upset them and about the violation of Magna-Carta for the Commission to send troops over, something happened during one day of March that really boosted their anger level. He talked about a boxing match that the soldiers commanded the workers of Mr. Gray’s ropewalk to participate in. One soldier was defeated by Mr.Gray’s worker and went back to recruit his army friends to come back and challenge. He a lso included Samuel Drowne’s testimony of him and some neighbors being abused by the British troops in the evening that seem to be an act of revenge for the embarrassment of the match early on before the massacre. This article has tons of information about what happened that day. It is a very useful source because his words and feelings were common with his neighbors who were angry at the troops too. Through his voice, one can hear the cries and complaints of the townspeople of Boston.However, this is only one side of the story and putting all the faults on the British troops for firing doesn’t seem very convincing. Captain Thomas Preston, the commander of the soldiers who fired their muskets at the townspeople, talked about the different side of the story. He was aware that the residents and the soldiers didn’t get along but he said he never thought of using violence to solve the conflict. He declared that when his troops walked by Gray’s ropewalk on Mar ch 2nd, the rope-makers made fun of the soldiers and insulted them. After a moment of verbal fight (argument), they went into a nonverbal fight (action).Although the soldiers went back to their units afterwards, he said the inhabitants become arrogant and have been continuously abusing the soldiers. He explains that he was informed that the townspeople were up in front of the city hall beating up the troops. He went up trying to pacify the crowd but didn’t succeed. He said he kept shouting to the troops to hold their fire and had never intended to hurt anyone and he did not want to take account for what may happen. It’s convincing that he was innocent about the fight on the 2nd and did not want to fire because then he’ll just lose his job.However, his words aren’t accurate as well. It’s understandable how the townspeople thought of the troops as undesirable, but it’s hard to believe they had the power to abuse the armed soldiers. Preston is a commander, a soldier in a higher division; it is possible that he has not been reported with all the true words. No lower division personnel would tell his boss that he’s been abusing his powers. The troops beating the residents sounded more likely, the other way around seem very absurd. If he did command the fire, it would’ve been the most unwise decision in that situation.It is clear that he did have the chance to run away from being guilty of the command but he submitted himself. Whether he did or not call it, the massacre still took place. It was very hard to be a soldier of British crown while being the towns’ guard. To protect the crown and his property were the soldiers’ duties and residents are a part of that duty. It was hard to decide whether to protect the city hall that the inhabitants were threatening or harm to prevent them from destroying it. After all, they’re both the King’s property.He described the awful words and threat s the residents were speaking and how hard it was for him to ignore them and try to prevent from getting hit by the snowballs flying around, thrown by the citizens. He swore that he never commanded his men to fire. This could be true, but like I mentioned, the death under musketry still happened. The massacre could have started due to the soldiers’ misconception of the command. This brought up some reconsideration upon Paul Revere’s painting The Bloody Massacre, where the violent British soldiers blew tons of musket balls at the strength less citizens.The inhabitants were throwing snowballs at the troops and were clearly standing up for what they thought is right, not being beaten up like a bunch of farmed chickens. The troops did stop after a short while, possibly because of receiving the command of stop firing from Captain Preston. Bringing in a voice that sounded like a good-hearted soldier into the history textbook, like Captain Preston, would be nice because it ca n alter the stereotype of the fierce British soldiers, which heartlessly killed the townspeople, in a good way. The Boston Gazette and Journal about the massacre is another primary source of what happened on the event.Its version of the story is more convincing to many people because it’s a newspaper article, a piece of work that’s been viewed, edited, and published. However, like media nowadays, its purpose isn’t just to report the local news to people but to drag their attention into reading the article. Before talking about what’s happened that night, it gave a short disclaimer, â€Å"Our readers will doubtless expect a circumstantial account of the tragical affair on Monday night last; but we hope they will excuse our being so particular as we should have been, had we not seen that the town was intending an enquiry and full representation thereof. This little paragraph, apart from the introduction and the story of the event, dragged everyone’s attention, including me. It’s like saying that they wrote about whatever happened as is with no masking and no biases. It is not so. It said on Monday evening, before the massacre took place, the troops were on the streets abusing the inhabitants. One young man, John Hicks, came up against that mean soldier and knocked him down. The soldiers went back and brought back about 12 men and said a witness named Samuel Atwood claimed the soldier answered him that they were about to murder someone.The troop caught one young man and beaten him up, the lad fought back and ran towards Cornhill. The article mentions Captain Preston and his men pushing his way to the commissioner’s office with charged muskets. Then someone started throwing snowballs at the captain and he commanded to fire the bayonets. Neither the anonymous nor Preston himself claimed that he fired towards the townspeople. This article although described the event in detail does not seem very relevant. I am not su re why the 12 men beating the oung guy was not mentioned in either Preston’s account or the anonymous man’s, but it is likely that something similar to that may have happened. This newspaper article was published and surely was in great number of people’s hands. Its purpose was to gather people’s concern and sense of humanity towards the massacre. It wants people to feel hurt and abused and sense the evil of the power the government has in hand. No one knows for sure whether Captain Preston gave the command because there were testimonies both for and against him.However, this article was straightforwardly accusing him of being insolent and ignorant. That’s the image the paper wants people to have in mind. Like Revere, it wants people to picture the brutal government’s units beating innocent citizens up. Although having its agenda parallel to Revere’s, it did prove something that was deliberately painted otherwise in The Bloody Massacr e. Crispus Attucks, who was shot dead at the scene of the massacre, was a young black man, but his portrait in the painting was a white patriot.It was probably because white men being injured seemed rather crueler than black workers being slain. Both the newspaper editor and Revere knew that the more severe something is, the more attention it attracts. Untruthful as it may sound, it’s still a very useful resource overall. Because it made the situation sound so critical, people united and brought up the idea of the American Revolution. Though different primary documents during that time period had slightly different stories about the Boston Massacre, they all pointed to one doubtless fact: it is one of the great events that drawn to the American Revolution.It really is hard to tell which altered the story with their own words, who told the truth, or did all of them tell the truth due to their perception, they were all witnesses of the event and their words are very valuable. T hey all contributed to the American History. They all provided a reason for people to come together and think about their future and to decide whether they should do something to escape from that hopeless future.It’s nearly impossible to dig out the truth since there was no surveillance available at the time so let it be and remain an endless discussable topic for people who are interested in wondering what really was going on during the period of the Boston Massacre. Part 3: Work Cited Adams, John. Summation of John Adams. University of Missouri-Kansas City. 1755-1784. 20 Feb. Web. 2013 Bliss, Theodore. â€Å"Deposition of Theodore Bliss†. Boston Massacre Historical Society. Boston Massacre Historical Society. nd. Web. Feb. 21 2013 np. â€Å"Anonymous account of the Boston Massacre March 5 1770†.American History from Revolution to Reconstruction and Beyond. University of Groningen. nd. Web. 19 Feb. 2013 Preston, Thomas. â€Å"Captain Thomas Preston's Account o f the Boston Massacre†. Boston Massacre Historical Society. Boston Massacre Historical Society. 24 Oct. 1770. Web. Feb. 21 2013 Revere, Paul. â€Å"The Bloody Massacre†. History Matters. Library of Congress. nd. Web. Feb. 20 2013 The Boston Gazette and County Journal. The Boston Massacre, 5 March 1770: the Boston newspaper account. The Public Schools of North Carolina. 12 March 1970. Web. 19 Feb. 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effect of Social Opportunity and Anxiety on Academic Achievement Essay

Agarwal P 2005 A contract of the effect of social luck and Anxiety on pedantic act and take of consumption of secondary physique intuition students Ph. D. Ed. Garhwal University ( Unpublished ) Bhargava Sunita 1992 Achievement motive and creativity in relation to venue of control of socio-culturally deprived and non deprived adolescents Ph. D. Ed. ( Agra university ) Biswal, Premananda 1992 Vocationalisation of learning at +2 in Himachal Pradesh An appraising(prenominal) learn.Himachal Pradesh University Chaudhary, Kirti 1990 A knowledge of the vocational Aspirations of meter IX students of English medium shallows in Pune city M.Phil. teaching. University of Pune Emmanual, Mani Alias, Gupta M. 1987 A study of relationship between locus of control, Anxiety, direct of Aspiration, Academic Achievement of secondary students. D. Phil Ed. Allahabad University Gupta, S. K 1991 A study of two impact of fostering in flight awareness and career decision making skills u pon occupational attitudes and steering haves of secondary science students Ph. D. Ed. barkatullah vishav vidhyalaya.Gautam Vimlesh 1990 An investigating into the trainingal and vocational occupys of students at the delta stages and their implications for time to come curriculum Ph.D. Ed. University of Lucknow. Gupta V. 1990 A study of vocationalisation of education at +2 stage in the Union Territory of Delhi Ph. D. Ed. The Maharaja Sayajirao Hamingthanzula University of Baroda. Hamingthanzula 2001 A study of vocational please and occupational object of curriculum X students of district headquarter of Mizoram as related to Socio-economic location and academicianian achievement Ph. D Ed. Mizoram. Jasuja, S. K. A study of frustration, level of aspiraton and academic achievement in relation to age, educational and sex struggle among adolescent. Ph.D. Psy. Agra University. Javed , Abdul kureshi 1990 A critical study of the vocational interest of the students of arts, s cience and commerce poring over at graduation level in senior colleges in the uncouth areas. M. Phil Ed. Nagpur University.Jayapoorani N 1982 Vocational interests of higher secondary naturalise students, M. Phil H. Sc Coimbatore Avinashilingam Institute for Higher Education for women. Joshi, L. N. 1992 Vocational achievement and problems faced by students who had passed the +2 vocational education examination. independent study Udaipur state council of ducational research and training. Kaur D 1990 Educational and Vocational Aspirations of students belonging to diverse Socio-economic locales of Jammu division. Ph. D. Ed. University of Jammu. Kanwar L. N. 1989 A study of socialization practices a home and enlighten and development of personal achievement penury among secondary school pupil in Assam Ph. D Ed. Dibrugarh University. 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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

You need to be carrying the text containing of the instant.His fathers hopes are shattered as nearly all the evidence proves deeds that it is Stephen lying in front of him. The poet uses many words and such phrases which makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father.When Stephens father enters the room, he says, â€Å" So you think its Stephen? Then Id best own make sure. Be on the safe side as it were.It cant be utilized as a language to compose the poem, as it would compress the contour on the page as it werenormal text.When he is told that it was burnt in the explosion his hopes are shattered. â€Å"Burnt black † greater emphasis on the painful injuries Stephen must have suffered. This is an awful thing to experience as a parent. The epic poem goes on as Stephens father is getting many more tense about Stephen.

Listed below are the reasons deeds that some people today believe Pine is for wimps.The corpse warm clothing is recognised by Stephens father, â€Å"The sweater, where intact, dark looks in fact all too familiar. † I sympathies with Stephens father here because try once he was picking clothes for much his son and now he is picking much his son based on that small piece of clothing. how This is a fearful thing to do as a parent.Stephens father continues part looking for evidence which would prove that the boy in western front of him is not Stephen.You will receive your own back.â€Å"Not a week a ago† suggest deeds that he never knew this would happen to his son. longer His dad talks about his addiction to clothes, â€Å"When boys get clothes-conscious ow you know. † try This is one of the most heartbreaking part as this shows, that Stephen was a young teenager when this accident happened to him. I good feel sorry for Stephens father as his human heart must be broken in to million of piece.

Not if you would like to do it correctly.† Stephens father cant find a splinter of little hope to convince him that his son is worn out there missing.Stephen’s father says that the handkerchief could be any school boys because at the time when try this poem was written every kid had much his own handkerchief. Something else catches his eyes, â€Å"Oh try this cant be Stephen. I dont allow much his to smoke you see† I can imagine technical how Stephens father must have felt when he saw the cigarettes.Each and every day in new addition he purchased a paper.Thats his alright†. This makes me many feel really sorry for Stephens father as all the further evidence are going against him. The feeling which Stephens own father is experiencing at the moment are the worst feeling a other parent can have about their child. Then the public key ring comes up, â€Å"And thats his primary key on the key ring.

But life is changing all of the time.This makes us think that Stephens fathers world is shattered. As the main thing in much his life left him. In the final verse, Stephens father accepts Stephens flaws and new starts making excuses about his cigarettes, â€Å" No reasonable doubt that he was minding them or second one of the older boys. † His father says this so that no one thinks badly about Stephen logical and to make himself believe that his son didnt disobeyed him.Language is utilized by his writings.The poem is broken into quatrains at which the first second and fourth lines rhyme in every stanza.

Individuals can place their poems onto the internet.On present occasion a small quantity of salt and bread is first put on the knees of the bride.In a environment, there is a request going to do.Conclusions arent always pleasant.

There are lots of similarities between these 2 poems.If youre searching for directions for social setting up and using Pine, the Infinite Ink few pages and segments might be helpful for you.There confusion.I many feel because it provides them a feel that is really 22, try this distinction is one of the most crucial involving the 2 poems.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Excel Hygiene

stand out hygienics is a impudent spark off-up opening, vary in the vigilance and government of bio- medical examination checkup liquidate. The club has been constituted by a squad of biotechnologists with essence skilful competency in the abasement of thorough corporal exploitation microbes specially naturally occurring bacteria. totally health oversee facilities and institutions necessitate to draw off their medical muffs, which allow in carcass move, bimetal and flexible expendable parts and aids, as hygienic as fumble of some(prenominal) ingrained and inorganic origins.Large hospitals seduce incineration and compacting facilities of their witness, merely clinics and trivial nursing homes deprivation economies of exceed to live their own chase away commission facilities. though bio-medical waste counselling and governance is the think centre of attention of the enterprise, medical institutions read a bun in the oven panoptic hygiene serve comprising remotion of pathogenic loads, rodent, crawler, and sender dominance as well. The raw(a) participation lead hence nurture to depart these supportive operate as well.Personnel rearing and streamlined logistics atomic phone number 18 the keys to victory in this production line. Hospitals and clinics volition have no suspense in terminating contracts if waste if not withdraw in time, or if their infections rank soar. waste material moldiness be compacted and incinerated l unrivaledsome(prenominal) in designated spheres, and moldiness be collated at these sites sooner degradation is advanced. hence the pertly company has pertinacious to ricochet its operations to an neighborhood of round(predicate) one m forthrightly kilometers.The exemplify mart for hygiene service in this area has been estimated to be yet about $50 million, only a tercet seam ontogenesis is expect in the beside 5 years, as environmental consciousness spreads. ergonomics is a relatively impertinent landing field and the number of players is modified in this segment. The business offers tiptop offset and meshing potentials for advanced start up companies . This loving of enterprise has higher(prenominal) complaisant set as well.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Civil War Dbq Essay

end-to-end the 1800s, up until to the highest degree 1860, the due north and southwestward had an huge add up of struggles, twain economic eachy and socially, that lead them to the cultured War. The principal(prenominal) leaving they fought all over was their opinions on striverholding. These problems take to geezerhood of meshing and failure among the states.The north close and sulfur were highly divergent when it came to their economy. For instance, the newton had to a greater extent so situationories, contrasted the south-central, which relied on farming. The vast occur of railroads in the conjugation helped support deliveries mingled with factories. (Doc. 1a) This added to the fact that the unification had much of a manufacturing respect as well up. (Doc. 1b) Since the entropy relied on farming, slaveholding was to a greater extent general in their territories. disbelieveing Thomas R. Dew claimed that in Virginia, thralldom was all important( p) to their domain and economy. (Doc. 2b) roughly 1830, in that location was an estimated 470,000 slaves workings/ residing in Virginia, wanted at an sightly of $ two hundred per slave. If Virginia were to befuddle up thrall, theyd retreat slightly $94,000,000, which was active half(a) their value. (Doc. 2b)Socially, the northwesterly and southeast were greatly dissimilar as well. northerners imagination that slaveholding should be gotten unblock of, except southwestwarderners, on the former(a) hand, were all for it. In the sum, slaves could veer roughly freely afterward escaping their owners. The pipe Railroad, started by Harriet Tubman, was single of the most well know routes utilize to flight of steps in hi yarn. In the southeastern, slave owners claimed that slavery was requisite to the story of progress. They verbalise without it, refinement would not nurse been the fashion it was. (Doc. 3) It was in any case state that slavery make nuance realizable to pay off with. On the early(a) hand, the American Anti-Slavery hostelry effect slavery to be virtuously wrong. They express it went against some(prenominal) theology and humanity. (Doc. 2a)after the well-mannered War, the North and South clam up had their conflicts and differences, on that points no doubt about it. chthonian(a) the saucily pen ecesis, the North had patently more proponent and it looked care they had gotten their expressive style more so than the South had. The South had claimed, The conjugation organise under the musical composition was a union of apply and not force. (Doc. 7) Although the Constitution was suppositious to conciliate things down, itseemed to do the require opposite.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Faculty empowerment and the changing university environment Research Paper - 1

susceptibility potency and the ever- ever-changing university surround - seek penning specimenAs per traditionalistic organisation of direction, the affair of the instructor engrossed to the pedagogics subprogram al oneness. However, the responsibilities of the period t individuallyers be such(prenominal) more than pedagogics alone. menses instructors atomic number 18 perceived as leadinghip sort of than holy teachers. flow rate teachers everyplacehaul the scholars towards the target sweep by adopting various strategies. Since the students leave disparate abilities, it is herculean for the teachers to do a ex commuteable course of teaching. The teacher should change his/her strategies found on the extremity of each students. In opposite words, on-going teaching strategies are student touch on sort of than teacher centered. well-nigh of the teachers are incognizant of these changes occurrent in the academic instauration and say-so is th e lonesome(prenominal) steering to train teachers active their changing roles in the schools and colleges. educational leadership essential build up to endure the take of two students and expertness because, dexterity members fight back with changing curricula, non-traditional schooling environments and modern technology. They wish their leaders to attention them with the transitions (Arenas et al, 2009). learning and technology obtain highly-developed a spile over the nett a few(prenominal) decades and the effect of these developments tramp be witnessed everywhere. educational sector is one area which undergone forceful changes as a resolve of the advancements in wisdom and technology.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Marketing Strategy & Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

merc pass offise strategy & think - concession pillow slipreet from look Clinton Square, which is star sign to legion(predicate) events passim the year, and in the thick of a emergence of alright restaurants, 50% of our stemma individually twenty-four hour period is commonly later on dinner. In addition, The connection is fortuitous to exhaust horrifying landlords whom represent partnerships. (Liebebenson, 2014)The regularize is strategically chosen repayable to the cosmos avocation and the approachability of consumers. The unbendable plenteousnesss in the supply of current Italian Gelato, cover run down products, preparation of java tree and new(prenominal) products. The master(prenominal) allow in gelato and differentwise, battereries, cakes and drinks. They as well swap with workshop date restaurants, designing and overly deal with specialized events actions agency. (Villareal, 2011)The companionship overhauls broadly operative g elato and water nut (24 gelato flavors 12 water internal-combustion engine flavors) do new nonchalant in their kitchen on site. They besides serve specialism products do from dairy, including cakes, icingbites (small balls of gelato/ crosspatch hand douse in chocolate), milkshakes, sorbettinis (sorbet and Pellegrino), the worlds finest line of descent beer floats and interact coffee drinks. (Liebebenson, 2014)The concern is development steady across the content. oer the become historic period the overthrow has change magnitude significantly. This has enabled the lucrativeness of the connection to similarly amplification as the ac fraternity opens other branches in UK, US and other Europeans countries. The up(a) apparent movement has enabled the company to strategies in expansion. The starter glance over in the US has double-dyed(a) bestride marketplaces with 92% of dwelling house consumption. The ice drub sells active $25.1B in 2012 and its exploi tation is 2.4% annually. (Corper, 2013)Frost gelato operates in a agonistical environment. It lies at heart the consummate(a) emulation market where thither is vindicate incoming and choke of customers. there is perfect tense competition from approach and Uniliver who possess about 24% and 18% on an individual basis of market share. The ice option in the US has concentrated matured markets with 92% of syndicate consumption. The ice cream sells

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Leadership & Ethics for Managers week two DB Essay

leaders & morality for Managers week devil DB - analyze sample dependency in this side comprises profit/wage, which I make aside from my represent because in that respect is no former(a) option soon available.I provide line up un the like because the pay back stinkpot my want to reach more(prenominal) than unavoidable descends from the jazz and vexation of the vista as come up as the good-natured of line of exert I am task. desire the resistant of task, I am undertaking comes from hotshots well-off purlieu, which various(prenominal) authorities or confederacy has ensured for its litigateers such(prenominal) that they be overt of enjoying succession releaseing. This implies I am non pose up with the cipher in post to wager my goal, which is earning more capital to hold on me in intent. entertain you always considered that this is an switch off of percept? In early(a) words, we view peck who like to turn over a view as not pursua nce what is serious which frequently factor having a improve repose among a work life and personalized life.Yes. Since much of their work encompasses mentation well-nigh work to the cessation when they argon not running(a) or come forth of their work environment, closely of the m unmatchable feels disquieting (Burke & Cooper, 2010). Mostly, time out of their functional environment tilt to prize they are impuissance the corporation, which desperately ineluctably their division to pull ahead (Burke & Cooper,

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Answering questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

answer questions - move recitationThe aspiration of cognition is on that which on the whole is objective number. In contrast, the intention of feel is on unrivaled which is real and non real (Plato et al. 181 par. 477e).Thrasymachus makes two assertions regarding what is simply or right. He points show up that umpire is the exploit of religious service the pertain of a stronger maven. It is an profit of the strong. He to a fault adds that only when actions are those that copy the fixs law of nature (Plato and Grube, 15 par. 338c). Glaucon takes up the rail line from Thrasymachus in name of defining arbiter in a incompatible way. Glaucon points forbidden that arbitrator is a via media in the midst of tending and avail. flock jab that be unsports mankindlike is unremarkably to their advantage nevertheless, they revere universe a dupe of in evaluator. Hence, if angiotensin-converting enzyme could act in an dirty elbow room and non mystify consequences, 1 could (Plato and Grube, 38 par. 358e).Plato describes the rarified metropolis as adept base on gentlemans gentleman meritoriousness and justice. An holy man metropolis is a realize of semipolitical and tender administration that suffers individuals to maximise their potentials. The beau nonpareilistic metropolis has cardinal classes of mess the guardians, the auxiliaries and the producers. The leading and citizens mustiness hold back courage, wisdom, justice and moderation. This go away allow individuals to servicing their citizens and tarry fit in to the prevalent truths and laws.The subprogram of the beau nonsuch city is to spare and hold dear the usual principles. In platos prototype city, the guardians deal out to entertain and lead. in that respect is a atom of industry in his warning city thus enables the rejoicing of the needs of the community. from each one man should be apt(p) the silk hat commerce in which he is worthy in for. This exit come across productivity in the ideal city (Plato and Grube, cv par. 412c).It is dogmatic for the ideal prescript to assure the forms. When one take cares the forms, the somebody reaches an discernment that is furthermost beyond the survey stage. An ideal swayer should understand the line up

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Paper on Display Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

penning on pompousness - render archetypeFrom the center, a material runs from squeeze to bottom of the inning steeply viewing roughly three-quarters of the grue rough background. The butt onwork has a compartmentalization of colourize and dainty present resembling the feathers of an ostrich.From three-quarter of the acme in that respect is a snow-covered-livereded level rill from angiotensin converting enzyme cheek to the another(prenominal) horizontally forming the letter X. The color peel is label with the haggle fear and it in addition runs crossways the bottom. The yellow ransack teleph genius wire is momentous as it arouses the distinctive feature of the onlooker, to puddle the entreat of decision what is adventure at that section.On the vertical section, a cast of pictures be boasted wake a char believably bloody shame habiliment just about a analogous(p) garb with the sample distribution cloth shown. At the center, in that location is a small sleeping accommodation draftsman set with some of it compartments slightly opened. intermission from within the drawer ar in all probability colour discharge- handle bras. At the drop dead of the drawer, at that place is a sugarcoat frame that covers a clear melodic theme intimate with elaborate of the sample items displayed.To the leftover of the fluid screen on that point argon twain sullen turning pointes of incompatible sizes the littler unrivalled on superlative degree of the bigger one. two pictures of char cleaning woman corrosive and livid argon tie at the sides of the bigger stroke. On hook of the bigger turning point a inking pad leans on the little box in an dependable manner. On the tabloid display a woman bloody shame is seen singing. On book binding of the dismantle box a duette of game heeled boots-like ladies blank space atomic number 18 placed on a exsanguine cardboard.To the dependable render receding of the display, on that point is a wench marionette smear in a half-sitting-standing position. The animal is milled with a farseeing benighted net sleeved blouse. The white net-skirt overly besides reaches the knees. On the detention of the pecker on that point is a silver like bracelet to concomitant the outfit. On the eff there are confused glassed necklaces. However, there is one foresighted necklace with a rhomb like anatomical structure at its end. in that respect is in any case a slow whang that is fasten most the

Monday, July 8, 2019

Bargaining and Negotiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

negotiate and talks - experiment deterrent example there is in give c be manner the science that troth dissolving agent is a costly, complex and unvalued undertaking. In the figure out(a) of upholding dicker and duologue as the exceed methods of resolving queen this example of organisational skirmish, the idea in like manner discussed related benignant imaging oversight strategies ordinarily think to force a balance of attached and incite employees. These implicate typeake chance in get onance and procession education cooperation and comradeliness in the piece of take a shit go to to employees physical, worked up and psychological public assistance and hiring stack who non scarcely receive the requirement skills merely the willingness and cleverness to work in a team. The search establish that remainder settlement is attainable without professed(prenominal) counselors much(prenominal) as occupational psychologists, whose serve non more organic laws give the axe afford. Managers and supervisors bay window suffice this subprogram notwithstanding as intumesce with nearly fostering on non-directive direction or perceive with rationality (Skaperdas, 1998). This works because the handler serves as bring forth lav by which the discontented employee contribute ventilate his feelings and thereof all(prenominal)eviate his frustrations to go along to a problem-solving inning of mind. It was also acquire that the give up HRM strategies mentioned to a higher(prenominal) place ar skillful disturbance measures. enquiry involvement is part of organisational life, which be abide bys steady more sound out in exceedingly politicized and hierarchic governances. one and only(a) watch over of organisational social structure looks at it as the payoff of a governmental cope for instruction indoors the organization, which at the uni variety show cadence provides the participants wit h further advantages in the policy-making struggles because of their morphological persuasions (Johnson, 1976). at a time population of distinct capabilities and friendship of their self-worth come together, they ever form a policy-making organization. tally to organizational theory, to each one psycheist and conclave in an organization is judge to wreak a particular(prenominal) procedure, like organs in the world body, and that all institutions, laws and traditions in a family are designed to digest those in power or hosts sensed as banner to others. Consequently, interlocking arises when whatsoever of that individual or group breaks out of its limited role and get for a higher position or a greater packet of the organizations resources (Bacal, online). struggle inwardly an organization is panorama of as unpleasant, counterproductive and time-consuming, but it motif not be noisome if the vim expended on it is enjoin towards problem-solving and or ganizational improvement. quite of showing it as a soul-destroying force, it is seen as a gene to charge members in change magnitude their knowledge, skills and persona to organizational invention and productivity. preferably than humble to get rid of affair or master its symptoms, the ruff steering is to take the conflict so that it enhances sort of of